Jonathan Dukes, President
Jonathan Dukes is the founder of Kingdom Sports Inc., a company that helps develop the raw talent of athletes aspiring to reach the level of professional. Jonathan is also the founder of the program, TAKE IT TO THE STREETS, which reach both the young and the young at heart sport fanatics. He has been running basketball tournaments and a community program for the last 24 years.
Prior to the start of Kingdom Sports, Jonathan had a history of being an outstanding athlete in basketball. Starting as a varsity player at Milford High School, his talents provided opportunities for him to travel the entire east coast playing in travel teams, numerous adult leagues and Delaware Jr. Olympics. He is also a Delaware All-State Alumni for the Class of 87. While, in the military Jonathan also had the honor to
represent his AFB. He also serves a director of one of Delaware’s finest
non-profit organizations, Family Outreach Center.
With his talent, Jonathan had realized there weren’t any resources afforded to him to take his talents, abilities and skills to the next level. Even when others saw there was an opportunity and even the possibility there still wasn’t a local system to bridge the gap.
It has always been a vision and a goal to begin a minor league system or semi pro team to develop local and regional talents by building that bridge that he was not privileged to. Over the last couple of years Jonathan has been in contact with many athletes who had similar stories of not being able to go as far in their sport careers has they would have liked. Now with the help and aide of other alumni and sports athletes Kingdom Sports is now able to build the missing bridge and create that farming system that will provide the opportunity to local and regional talent to be exposed to a larger pool of players.
Kingdom Sports, Inc. and Family Outreach Center would like to present to Delmarva its very own first semi-professional basketball team known as “Delaware Eastern Shore Generals “.